
You don't want to miss this amazing treatment offer. Get ready for dewer, smoother, brighter looking skin Read more and book today


Say it with us, ladies: skincare is self-care!

Facials aren’t just a luxury treatment – they’re an essential element for looking after yourself and your skin.

Our range of luxurious facials will leave you glowing inside and out.


There’s no better way to frame your face than with gorgeously groomed, on-point brows.

With waxing, tinting and henna on offer, we can style, shape and colour your brows just the way you like them.


Your body is your temple – why not worship with an indulgent body treatment?

Whether it’s a tension-relieving massage, relaxing hand or foot treatment, or confidence-boosting spray tan.

We’ve got just the thing to make you feel amazing.

Beauty treatments

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Don't miss out

see what they say...

Did you know?

Meet Smudge Budge

This unique and natural cleansing balm is a 3 in 1 for the face, eyes and lips. Organic oils and butters melt when massaged onto the face, dissolving stubborn makeup while deeply cleansing pores and removing damaging daily to...

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9 am - 5 pm

9 am - 5 pm

9 am - 8 pm

9 am - 5 pm

9 am - 2 pm
